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Please find below a list of commonly asked questions.

If your question is not answered below, please email

How much does it cost to become a member?

To become a member of Zest Singles the cost is £24.99 per month

What are the benefits of becoming a member?

Here are a few of the great benefits of becoming a Zest Member:

For full details please click on the Membership page.

  • FREE attendance to all events (excludes any charges made by the venue/company for the service provided) 

  • 48-hour priority booking for ALL events  

  • Free monthly Mix & Mingle 

How do I become a member?

Go to the Membership page which will give you full details and a payment button.

You will need to enter your bank card details to set up a monthly payment. 

What is the minimum membership period?

Our memberships run on a month-by-month basis, with no minimum period. Cancel at anytime.

Who can attend the events?

Our singles events are open to members and non-members.

Our club is aimed at singles over 50.

How much does it cost to attend an event?

Members attend for FREE*

Non-members are charged a booking fee starting from £11.55 per event*

*This excludes any charges made by the venue/company for the service provided. 

How many events can I attend before becoming a member?

We do encourage becoming a member due to all the benefits! However, we do not restrict the number of events you attend before signing up for a Zest membership.

How do I sign up for the weekly newsletter?

Click on the button below and enter your details. Newsletters are sent out:

Members - Fridays at 8pm.  Non-members - Sunday at 8pm

What is the age range for the club?

Our club is aimed at singles over 50.

Most members are in their late 50's & 60's.

Is Zest Singles a Dating Agency?

No, Zest Singles is a club for singles to connect and share activities together. The emphasis is on socialising and making friends. 

Do you have an equal ratio of women and men? 

We endeavour to get an equal balance of women and men at our events, however, this can not be guaranteed.

Where are Zest events held?

Most events are held in Exeter or in the surrounding areas. Normally within one hour's drive of Exeter.

How many people attend the events?

It can vary depending on the event. On average meals and activities attract between 12 - 16 people, and the monthly Mix & Mingle is 25 - 30

How do I apply my member's promo code?

  1. Click on the Eventbrite link for the specific event

  2. Press on TICKETS  (green box).

  3. On left above ticket options Promo Code is written in blue, press on it and then enter your promo code, then press APPLY

  4. You will then see the discount applied.

  5. Now use the drop-down box to select the number of tickets and press Checkout as usual.

What if I like the look of someone?

Zest Singles is an events company, and we do not offer an introductory service. If you meet someone you like, keep coming along to more events for the chance to naturally bump into them again!

How do I cancel my place at an event? 

If for any reason you are unable to attend the event please make your request to

Refunds must be made in writing within the cancellation period and may be subject to an admin or third-party charge. Please check the individual event for details. Some events are non-refundable.

I've booked events in advance, but I'm longer a member? 

If you are no longer a Zest member at the time of attending an event, but you used a membership promo code at the time of booking, you will be required to pay the relevant non-members’ booking fee before you can attend the event. 

Please email to request a payment link for the booking fee.

Can I bring a Guest?

Yes, please bring as many guests along to an event.

You can either add them to your booking or they can book direct. 

Guests will be subject to the non-member's booking fee.

Can I still attend events if I meet someone?

Once you notify us that you are in a relationship, you may only attend events already booked up until the end of your current subscription. After this date you will no longer be able to attend Zest Singles and future events you are booked onto will have to be cancelled. You may be entitled to a refund if there was a separate third-party charge but this will be subject their terms and conditions. You can use the button below to notify us of your wonderful news or feel free to contact me or on 07980 717849.

How do I cancel my membership?

To terminate your membership we require written notification by email. Your membership will remain active until the end of your current billing period. You can use the button below to send your request. 

How do I contact the club?

Please either email us at

Alternatively, use the button below or call us on 07980 717849.

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